Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an approach or means of resolving disputes outside the judicial system of state or federal courts, commonly in the form of Arbitration or mediation.
Disputes are part of doing business and at Legalstone Solicitors, resolving them is our business. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is one of Legalstone’s core practices.
Our lawyers are highly experienced practitioners who frequently represent clients in ADR processes to resolve disputes. Likewise, our lawyers are experienced in advising an unadministered or ad-hoc arbitration and mediation across a variety of critical sectors.
Litigation may be a necessary component of a dispute resolution strategy, but it is only one of the problem-solving tools we apply to resolve disputes.
We keep an open mind as to how we can best and most cost-effectively secure our clients’ goal advising them on the proper ADR agreement for both domestic and international transactions.